Techno (Peak Time / Driving)

Powell – The Ongoing Significance Of Steel And Flesh (DIAG 001LTD)

Artist: Powell
Title of Mp3: The Ongoing Significance Of Steel And Flesh
Genre: Techno
Label:: Diagonal
Catnr: DIAG 001LTD
Mp3 Download Source: WEB
Quality: 320kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Full Stereo
Digital Released: November – 2011

1. The Ongoing Significance Of Steel & Flesh
2. 09
3. 09 (Karl O’Connor remix)
4. Robotics

The London-based Diagonal imprint launches with the sounds of label boss Powell, who calls in some UK techno royalty in the form of Regis to contribute an edit. The 12″s title (The Ongoing Significance Of Steel & Flesh) immediately suggests Regis and his bleak industrial take on techno are a significant influence on Powell, yet within the opening bars of A-Side such considerations are swept aside: here we have a producer wholly intent on carving his own distinctive sonic niche. On the title track that niche sounds like a lost Mute Records demo recorded in a dank Macclesfield garage, with the hollow drums looped and stripped back to their rawest form. The introduction of a distorted, crunchy bassline that precedes the track dropping out altogether for a brief moment is sumptuous! This shares the A-Side with the dread filled drone of “09”, whose reverb-laden kick drum slowly emerges from the bleak landscape to create a sense of inescapable pregnant doom. Flip over for the Regis remix of “09”, with clattering breakbeats pitched way down and buried beneath a hanging synth line; the brilliant dementia of “Robotics” rounds off this most excellent of releases with bizarre stop-start drum programming and a growling bassline.

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