Tech House

Bloody Mary – Hide and Seek [DAME012]

Artist: Bloody Mary
Release Title: Hide And Seek DAME012
Genre: Tech House
Label:: Dame Music digital
Catnr: DAME012
Mp3 Download Source: WEB
Bitrate: 320 kbps avg / 44.1KHz / Full Stereo
Digital Released: 2011

01. Fading Away (Original Mix) 6:35
02. Fading Away (SAS Remix) 7:50
03. Hide And Seek (Original Mix) 6:44


Bloody Mary – Hide and Seek [DAME012] Release Notes :

Dame-Music label owner, Bloody Mary hits us once again with her upcoming Ep Hide AND Seek. Since last years huge succes of Spinning Around on the Arabesque Ep, Mary has been working with SIS on Cast Out Of Paradise for the one year anniversary compilation Potluck out last June. She now returns on her own for another amazing release.Fading Away is the perfect reflection of Bloody Marys inprint, powerfull kick, obscur and melancolic melodies are her secret, not to mention the dark vocals featuring Dame-Music artist Toma Ivanov (Komaton). Fading Away is a ballade of underground dance music lead by a strong Electro influence with delicate, faint and mysterious harmony.Hide & Seek is an energetic punch, a superb move your body tune. Featuring Eyke as a guest vocalist, Bloody Mary kept that Electro influence again with a hint of the 80s. The grindy filtered bass and tom riff set the notes to deliver Eyke s lyrics.S.A.S. (aka Subb-an & Adam Shelton) created for the pleasure of our ears a remix of Fading Away. Their advanced skills of rolling bass and lead sound makes Fading Away an explosion on the dancefloor.

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