Deep HousePromos

Kisk & Friends – Volume 3 (PROMO) [APLMINI003]


K I S K & F R I E N D S

EP: Volume 3
genre: Deep House
cat. no: APLMINI003 – format Digital

A P L MI N I 0 0 2 VO L U M E 3

The third chapter of Kisk & Friends! Kisk consecrates the relationship with Roy Gilles categorical building a track, simply house classic. The second track comes from an ‘idea of a re-edit of exception, Let’s Get Jazzy MC Flight! Oneboy play for ‘at the legendary bassline, while Kisk & Dam Paul do the rest. Don’t miss it!

FTFO – “for the fans of” kisk, lopazz, scsi-9, e-dward, elon, huxley, moody, brither’s vibe, lula circus, pablo bolivar, john tejada, kjofol, sek, delano smith, gavin herlihy, yapacc, vincenzo, roy gilles, domy, cella, rio padice, genny g, gennaro mastrantonio, uglh, nice7, franklin de costa, moodymanc, echonomist, anton kubikov, alex danilov, keisuke kondo…



APPAREL MUSIC is an internationally distributed record label with a “Jazzy”. APPAREL MUSIC was created in 2009 following a quest for the most diverse musical styles. The need to explore this genre arises from the idea of bringing something new to the electronic scene. The two dogs in our logo are the yin and yang, day and night, good and bad, the contrast generated by everything…but above all love. Jazz becomes a way of reconfirming the most virtuoso elements of house music while welcoming the new sounds coming through on the international scene. The label s founders decided to explore this genre that combines dance music with jazzy sounds for discerning palates, or rather ears. Indeed only jazz beats can bring a more human dynamic to cold electronic music.

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