Techno (Peak Time / Driving)

Benjamin Damage – 4600 EP

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Benjamin Damage’s brand new ‘4600 EP’ is a homage to a rare analog synthesizer and a more dancefloor orientated follow up to the album ‘Heliosphere’. It was performed live with resampled analogue synths, mainly the ETI 4600. Benjamin Damage: ‘Most of the source sounds come from my recently repaired ETI 4600, a massive synth I rescued from a garage it had been sitting in for 30 years. It’s a really unique machine with a reverb chamber and pin matrix. It spent 18 months with a synth-obsessive in Suffolk, north of London who fixed the major design faults and believes it is the only existing model that has ever worked properly.’

Artist Benjamin Damage
Title 4600 EP
Genre Techno
Label 50 Weapons
Catalog# 50WEAPONS031
Released 2013
MP3 Download Source WEB
Play Time 21:20 min
Total Tracks. 4
Bitrate 320 kbps

1. ETI Rework ( 6:10)
2. Nebula ( 3:31)
3. Revolve ( 5:35)
4. Recursion ( 6:04)

Total Playtime: 21:20 min

Cosmobox Direct Downloads

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