HouseTechno (Peak Time / Driving)

Various Artists – No Person Is An Island

Various Artists - No Person Is An Island

Artist Various Artists
Title No Person Is An Island
Genre Techno, House
Label Fifth Wall
Catalog# n/a
Released 2014
MP3 Download Source WEB
Play Time 70:33 min
Total Tracks. 13
Bitrate 320 kbps

1. Geth ( 4:51)
2. Formula ( 3:53)
3. Papa Shango ( 4:55)
4. Lethal Ballet ( 5:36)
5. Tech. Fourth Period ( 5:00)
6. Dark Matter ( 5:20)
7. Prang ( 6:24)
8. Ritmo Trak ( 5:26)
9. Door Jammer ( 5:27)
10. Birtha ( 6:19)
11. Texaco Building Society ( 6:09)
12. Cybergrind Your Mind ( 5:19)
13. Machine Elves ( 5:54)

Total Playtime: 70:33 min

Every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria. Brooklyn-based label Fifth Wall Records is proud to announce its first charity compilation, “No Person is an Island,” with 100% of proceeds going to two nonprofit organizations dedicated to ending deaths caused by malaria: Malaria No More and Nothing But Nets.

Malaria No More works through a variety of methods, such as education, prevention, and treatment, while Nothing But Nets focuses solely on providing mosquito nets to families in need. For as little as $10 (the cost of the compilation), you can purchase a net for an entire family and save a life.

Many thanks to all our artists for donating their music and especially to our longtime mastering engineer, Michael Harms of MegaSonic, for mastering all of these incredible tunes free of charge.

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