Deep HouseFeatured Electronic Music ReleasesSTAFF PICKS

Hyenah – The Wish

Freerange Records

Artist: Hyenah
Title: The Wish
Label: Freerange Records
Catalog Number: FRD189BP
Music Genre/Style: Deep House
Released: 2014
MP3 Download Source: WEB
Bitrate: 320kbps / 44100kHz / Full Stereo
Total Tracks: 4
Size: 81.52 megs

1. King Kobra 6:55
2. The Wish (Dub) 7:38
3. The Wish (Manoo Darkside Remix) 9:24
4. The Wish (Manoo Likes Apfelschorle Remix) 9:51

Total Playtime: 33:48 min

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