
Mark Starr – Mortem EP


Artist Mark Starr
Title Mortem EP
Genre House
Label Sounds of Sumo
Catalog# SOS033
Released 2014
MP3 Download Source WEB
Play Time 43:08 min
Total Tracks. 8
Bitrate 320 kbps

1. Bass Chant ( 4:19)
2. Mortem ( 5:20)
3. Lush ( 4:21)
4. Some of This ( 5:20)
5. Bass Chant (Sepehr Remix) ( 7:17)
6. Mortem (Pete Graham & Marc Spence Remix) ( 6:25)
7. Lush (Druid Cloak Remix) ( 5:00)
8. Some of This (Panda Remix) ( 5:06)

Total Playtime: 43:08 min

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