Deep HouseElectronic

Versa – Blues EP


Artist Versa
Title Blues EP
Genre Deep House, Electronic
Label CUT
Catalog# CUT022
Released 2014
MP3 Download Source WEB
Play Time 28:14 min
Total Tracks. 4
Bitrate 320 kbps

1. System Blues ( 6:24)
2. Sunrise in Una ( 9:52)
3. Atlantic Blues ( 5:38)
4. Yard Blues ( 6:20)

Total Playtime: 28:14 min

Versa has a special something residing within his productions. A hyper-polished careful attention to detail. His tracks seem to effortlessly bring together elements of dub, techno, downtempo, electronica and ambient, to form his unique brand of deepness.

Having worked with artists like Synkro, Indigo, Hatti Vatti, Biome and Rowl in the past, his production takes clear influence from Manchester’s rising stars while sitting firmly in a league of it’s own.

We are incredibly proud to have Versa release this EP with us on Cut, and we’re convinced you’ll love it too. Sit back and relax, while Versa takes the controls.

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