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Amir Alexander & Traxx – Howard Loyola Acid Frenzy EP


Howard Loyola Acid Frenzy EP
Amir Alexander & Traxx
LABEL: Anunnaki Cartel | AC005
GENRE: Acid Techno
BITRATE: 320kbps / 48000kHz / Full Stereo
SIZE: 66.41 megs


1. Traxx – Baseacid2 5:07
2. Amir Alexander – Slow Ride 8:11
3. Amir Alexander – Six Sixty Six (The Beast) 7:15
4. Traxx – ABC Acid Beat Complete 7:06

Total Playtime: 27:39 min

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Take the releases on Anunnaki Cartel into consideration as a whole and its clear label founders Amir Alexander and Chris Mitchell are looking and generally succeeding at ways to advance the ideas of US house music into compelling new forms. It makes sense then that this latest release on the label sees Alexander face off with Nation boss Traxx, a man who has been steadfast in his own efforts to promote and pioneer the Jakbeat ethos and approach. The Howard/Loyola Acid Frenzy EP finds the pair indulging in some truly wild acid explorations that will delight the proper house selectors out there. Traxx is on devilish form with his two contributions with the moment on “BaseAcid2” where the intensity levels unexpectedly ramp skywards is a particular highlight.

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