Techno (Peak Time / Driving)

Metaboman – Cucumagic [MK045]


LABEL: Musik Krause | MK045
GENRE: Techno
BITRATE: 320kbps / 44100kHz / Full Stereo
SIZE: 48.57 megs


1. PWR Whoop 5:31
2. Orc Fame 4:57
3. Next Please 4:41
4. Ergo Pure 4:54

Total Playtime: 20:03 min

In wonderful Thüringia (Berlach /Gotha) a group of culture enthusiasts under the radar of the standard PR circus, every year run a festival way out in the sticks for 3 days. This is the “Cucuma” festival. Here there is enjoyment of art and culture in a kind of Utopia island. Embedded in scenic nature with a love of detail, an open audience and artists who swing together in a way that you don’t see everywhere.

Metaboman, one half of the Krause Duo, is jamming since forever at this place. Found at times with the booked musicians (either DJ Kajak, with partner Krause, or as live act) and artistic chums.
All four tracks are based on Metaboman’s live sound; a shadow-dance theater performance which he performed at the 2014 festival.

In the EP “Cucmagic” there lives the spirit of this prime piece of earth under swaying poplars. A homage to a status of deep sensitivity & happiness. When the final heap of sonics is rendered still, the next summer, which one can hardly wait on is already being longed for. If you have already experienced the DNA from Metaboman’s brand of sonic gymnastics, then you are already with him. For a long time his music has been aimed at the offloading your rear-end, as opposed to stretched out arms and hands. As well, here is a deeply compelling groove with a jazzy vibe and smoke blasts that sometimes more, sometimes less alternate the sunshine with shimmering.

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