Electronica / Downtempo

Les Points – Proletariat LP / LESPOINTS014

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RELEASE: Proletariat LP
ARTIST(S): Les Points


GENRE: Electronica / Downtempo
RELEASED: 2019-06-12
BITRATE: 791Kbps


  1. Les Points – 変化 – It’s changing (Original Mix) (01:36) / Cmaj, ╳bpm
  2. Les Points – 森に迷い込んだ労働者 – Worker lost in the woods (Original Mix) (03:40) / Emin, 142bpm
  3. Les Points – プロレタリアート称賛 – Applaud the proletariat (Original Mix) (04:08) / Amaj, 76bpm
  4. Les Points – 幻想会衆 – Imagined congregation (Original Mix) (01:13) / Gmin, 131bpm
  5. Les Points – ヘキサチェイン・フィルタ・スクリーミング – Hexachain Filtered Screaming (Original Mix) (02:59) / Amaj, 129bpm
  6. Les Points – カウンター・コモディティとして識別 – Identified as counter-commodity (Original Mix) (03:28) / Amaj, 126bpm
  7. Les Points – 愛していたよ、リチャード – I loved you Richard (Original Mix) (04:15) / A♯min, 107bpm
  8. Les Points – アルゴリズム闘争 -Algorhythmic fights (Original Mix) (04:34) / Amin, 154bpm
  9. Les Points – ポストディージェイのためのツー…ング ジャック・プライス – Tool for post-djs feat. Jack Pryce (Original Mix) (01:49) / F♯min, ╳bpm

Total Playtime: 00:27:42 min

Les Points pay a twisted homage to the early foundations of electronic music where hard to get tapes, dystopia and the sound of the wretched worker where present in genres like post-punk, industrial, minimal synth, new beat and wave.

It’s changing, the worker searched for post-leftist solutions and got lost.
Nine circles applauded the proletariat and imagined how a community
could be congregated, while screams of violence would be filtered by boiling blood.
Exploiters of labor either find themselves rotting away in a never ending icy rain or are dragging their selfish accumulations on their chests for eternity -while the worker slowly identifies himself as a counter-commodity. Algorhythms (fraud) always mislead – once the worker gets past them only Dis will be awaiting her/him.

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