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VA – Bar 25 Music: 100 / BAR25100

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RELEASE: Bar 25 Music: 100
ARTIST(S): Cipy, German Brigante, Italoboyz, Blind Minded, Kollektiv Ost, Miyagi, Nicone, Narra, Night Vision, Marco Tegui, Purple Kaiser, Rafael Cerato, Haptic, Silicone Soul, Smash TV, Umami


LABEL: Bar 25 Music / BAR25100
GENRE: Lossless, Tech House
RELEASED: 2019-08-02


  1. Nicone, Narra – Una Rosa Es Una Rosa (Original Mix) (05:33) / Amin, 120bpm
  2. Miyagi – Arcadia (Original Mix) (07:06) / Dmin, 118bpm
  3. Rafael Cerato, Haptic – Clouds (Original Mix) (07:59) / Emin, 124bpm
  4. Smash TV – Who Will U Become (Original Mix) (07:36) / Amaj, 124bpm
  5. Umami – Seven Million Hour Drive (Original Mix) (08:20) / Dmin, 120bpm
  6. Night Vision, Marco Tegui – Summer Chants (Original Mix) (06:14) / Cmin, 124bpm
  7. Purple Kaiser – Spreeside (Original Mix) (05:30) / Amin, 120bpm
  8. Cipy – Musanze (Original Mix) (07:05) / Emin, 122bpm
  9. German Brigante – The Parents (Original Mix) (06:11) / Amin, 123bpm
  10. Italoboyz, Blind Minded – Romanzo Tropicale (Original Mix) (06:16) / Amin, 125bpm
  11. Kollektiv Ost – First Contact (Original Mix) (05:54) / Dmaj, 110bpm
  12. Silicone Soul – Leaf (Original Mix) (06:55) / C♯maj, 121bpm

Total Playtime: 01:20:39 min

Bar 25, one of Berlin’s most legendary places, was a must for partygoers. It once made popular an alternative club culture, as a counter concept to the dark basement clubs and large discotheques, and was known worldwide as an extraordinary and timeless day- and nightclub.
As a consequence, Bar 25 Music was established in 2006 by label manager Danny Faber. The music label soon became synonymous for unique showcases and playful electronic music.
After more than 600 songs and 13 exciting years, we still love bringing the spirit of Bar 25 to the people, with good feeling music.
We are proud to present our Release No. 100. We would like to celebrate this anniversary with a compilation of selected songs by artists such as Nicone, Cipy, Kollektiv Ost, Miyagi, Rafael Cerato, Umami, Smash TV, Marco Tegui & Night Vision, German Brigante, Italoboyz, Blind Minded, Purple Kaiser und Silicone Soul and look forward to the musical journey with you.
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