Download LOSSLESS Electronic MusicTechno (Peak Time / Driving)

Jennifer Loveless – Water / BSR033

Download Water on Electrobuzz

ARTIST(S): Jennifer Loveless


LABEL: Butter Sessions | BSR033
RELEASED: 2021-03-12


  1. Jennifer Loveless – Out/Under (07:01) key, bpm133
  2. Jennifer Loveless – Syzgyzy (Scissor Me) (06:27) key, bpm136
  3. Jennifer Loveless – ECC (06:59) key, bpm133
  4. Jennifer Loveless – Backroll Buddy (10:16) key, bpm125
  5. Jennifer Loveless – B L U YOU (06:08) key, bpm67

Total Playtime: 00:36:51 min

“When writing this EP, I was thinking about water and I was thinking about sweat. I was thinking about festival season and kick-ons galore. I was thinking about the crew out west and how the sun looks going down over the water there in summer. I felt really free then – a little buzzed, a little sideways – but free. I felt good then, and have a gracious amount of times since. Frivolous and free – like water, water, water.”

Canadian born and Naarm (Melbourne) based Jennifer Loveless returns one year on from her debut releaseHard/Soft(Pure Space Records) withWater, a 12″ EP presented by Butter Sessions. Bestowing us with five tracks of dystopian dance-floor thump,Wateris a bustling showcase of Jenn’s breadth as an artist. Reflecting on the contrast ofWaterwith her first EP, Loveless comments “I wanted a hard contrast to theHard/Softrelease. I always had a plan to release an energetic frivolous fun type EP afterHard/Soft. I had a feeling people might see me as an ambient producer (although I wouldn’t really categoriseHard/Softas that), and I guess this EP,Water, is my response”.

At its core,Wateris a hyper-charged cetacean maelstrom of electronic music, sampling weddell seals, humpback whales, pacific walruses and water itself.Waterkicks off with the rumbling patter ofOut/Underbefore moving into the unabatingSyzygy(Scissor Me).Jenn stamps a joyful yet skittish imprint ontoECC,while fly on the wallBackroll Buddysits on a sound bed of audio Jenn recorded at parties, capturing friends chattering and an edit of a Whitney Houston earworm she heard a DJ playing, paying ode to a night out.B L U YOUis a charming endnote; a fusion of fluorescent pop and a catchy bassline. The verdict here is thatWaterallows Jennifer Loveless to prove herself truly as a jack of all trades.Watertakes shape as an engrossing palette of bold dance music.//

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