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Reelow – Decompression Album / REE011

Download Decompression Album on Electrobuzz

RELEASE: Decompression Album
ARTIST(S): Charlotte Debout, KitChuDub, Jigga, Reelow, Ndidi Bahru


LABEL: Reecords | REE011
GENRE: LOSSLESS, Minimal / Deep Tech
RELEASED: 2021-03-11


  1. Reelow, Ndidi Bahru – Feel The Same (06:24) key, bpm152
  2. Reelow – Gratidude (Remaster 2021) (06:42) key, bpm123
  3. Reelow – Dont Touch My Trallala (05:25) key, bpm127
  4. Reelow – Reelow – True (06:02) key, bpm127
  5. Reelow, Charlotte Debout, KitChuDub – Confiance (Live Jam At The Pinky Blinders Studio) (06:36) key, bpm130
  6. Reelow – Decompression (07:34) key, bpm96
  7. Reelow – Stranger Things (06:27) key, bpm129
  8. Reelow – Hungarian Cartel (07:15) key, bpm128
  9. Reelow – Sauna Sonata (06:10) key, bpm127
  10. Reelow – Days Of Saturn (07:35) key, bpm127
  11. Reelow, Jigga, Ndidi Bahru – Fade To Gray (07:01) key, bpm124
  12. Reelow – Rest In Beats (04:38) key, bpm118

Total Playtime: 01:17:49 min

This one is dedicated to all the groovers of the house nation. 12 months of work for 12 rumbling, funky-fuelled original tracks. This is what Reelow’s ‘Decompression’ LP is all about, the groove.

With releases to date via the likes of Desolat, Solid Grooves, and Tamango Records, alongside his blossoming imprint Reecords, the Hungarian-born Barcelona-based DJ and producer is a real handyman. In fact, he has recorded every instrument by himself for his debut LP including piano, trumpet, saxophone. percs, Cajon, vocals, basically everything that needed to stay true to the label’s name and the motto ‘Reecord’.

Title cut ‘Feel The Same’ kicks things off with a delicious vocal that winds between pounding kicks, jazzy strings, and skittering drums to offer up a lively EP opener, make way for the next two tracks to shiny in all their more stripped-back and filthy aura.

Thus come ‘True’, ‘Confiance’ (feat Kit Chu Dub and Charlotte Debout), and LP-title track ‘Decompression’: three warping fashion tunes designed for the dancefloor as mighty synths and fluttering vocal interjections combine with Reelow’s trademark pressing groove structure.

At the turning point of the album sits ‘Stranger Things’ featuring bubbling bassline and twisted chords to which follows the exceptional groovy numbers ‘Hungarian Cartel’ and ‘Sauna Sonata’, responsible to bring the listener down to earth before flying into space again with ‘Days Of Saturn’, a real club weapon designed to melt the crowd with all Reelow’s arsenal, as the track features hefty low frequencies, splashes of sax, and hi-tension vocals.

Rounding out the package, the sparkling ‘Fade To Gray’ welcomes a dynamic drum workout as skittering and shuffling hats meet pop-ish strings and infectious vocals, leaving to the slower ‘Rest In Beats’ the duty of closing the album with slaps of real bassline, fuzzy synths, and charming strings over a compelling 118 laid-back beat that really, decompresses.//

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