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Terrence Dixon – To the Bridge / GMND033

Download Terrence Dixon - To the Bridge on Electrobuzz

RELEASE: To the Bridge
ARTIST(S): Terrence Dixon


LABEL: Goldmin Music / GMND033
GENRE: Lossless, Minimal / Deep Tech
RELEASED: 2021-08-27


  1. Terrence Dixon – Leveled (05:46) , 126
  2. Terrence Dixon – Four Fourty Eight (04:48) , 127
  3. Terrence Dixon – To the Bridge (04:49) , 126
  4. Terrence Dixon – Two (03:00) , 126

Total Playtime: 00:18:23 min

Terrence Dixon is back on Goldmin Music, taking his well-honed sudden strident leads and well-oiled rhytmical bass mechanisms to further directions once again. There surely is some recurrent sounds in Terrences work but thats probably what makes the charm of this artists discography. Anyone who would take the time to dig deeply into it, could not be immune to it’s consistance, a consistance which does not only relate to the sounds in themselves but to numerous decisions and turns through the years. Indeed, his discography is a gigantic mise en abîme where each piece brings something to a neverending work-in-progress, something like one giant living track, that gets more complete and consistant at each new release. Each track is autosufficient and stands for itself yet it acquires it’s real meaning when it is put into perspective with other tracks. It’s the reason why Terrence, even when he will work with sounds that he has already used dozen of times will be able to make something completely new and never repeat himself. Plus, in this case, what is true regarding the artist’s discography is also true regarding a single track’s content. Whether you zoom-in or zoom-out, whether you analyze it or let it flow, the Detroit master’s work never cease to impress and fascinate because no matter how hard you try, it’s secret is only revealed intermittently. “To The Bridge”, a 4-tracker EP is just another part of that secret, though to us, it is everything but “just another EP”.//

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