Download LOSSLESS Electronic MusicTechno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic)

Hugo Rolan – Origen Cero LP

Download Hugo Rolan - Origen Cero LP on Electrobuzz

RELEASE: Origen Cero LP
ARTIST(S): Hugo Rolan


LABEL: Warm Up Recordings / WU75D
GENRE: Lossless, Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic)
RELEASED: 2022-07-13


  1. Hugo Rolan – Ciclo Hipnoptico (Original mix) (03:12) , 132
  2. Hugo Rolan – Sistema Antigua (Original mix) (05:29) , 132
  3. Hugo Rolan – Distribucion Lineal (Original mix) (05:37) , 134
  4. Hugo Rolan – Modificacion Binaria (Original mix) (06:38) , 134
  5. Hugo Rolan – Emergencia Iconica (Original mix) (02:39) , 86
  6. Hugo Rolan – Anomalia Reversible (Original mix) (05:23) , 132
  7. Hugo Rolan – Asistencia Confusa (Original mix) (03:07) , 133
  8. Hugo Rolan – Tecnologia Futura (Original mix) (04:44) , 131
  9. Hugo Rolan – Disociacion Sonora (Original mix) (04:57) , 128
  10. Hugo Rolan – Parametros Orbitales (Original mix) (06:13) , 128
  11. Hugo Rolan – Tendencia Voluntaria (Original mix) (04:56) , 128

Total Playtime: 00:52:55 min

When a new talent joins our forces it doesn’t always mean that he is a newcomer, that’s is Hugo Rolan’s case. Hailing from the North of Spain he’s always been into techno, since the golden days of the nineties, first as a consumer, then as a dj and now as creator. Many years are behind the inception of this album, he’s been tempted by lots of labels to release his works and we are extremely proud to be the chosen one for his long awaited debut.

Along eleven tracks he explores every corner of proper techno, from floating beatless exercises, to abstract broken rhythms or hyponic four to the floor workouts.
His sound is sometimes obsessive and repetitive or rugged and abstract … or simply tooley but always timeless.

There are definitely solid Birmimgham_ ish roots but also some Detroit influences are perceived in his sound palette, exactly the hybridness we like most here at Warm Up.

His repertoire is well balanced style wise, with all tracks embroidered on a pristine sound design and administered on detailed and expertly crafted arrangements.

Ciclo Hipnoptico opens with cosmic arpeggios spiced with scifi bleeps on a floaty introduction.

Sistema Antigua and Modificación Binaria, use broken rhythms as main percussive sources,

Emergencia Icónica and Asistencia Confusa, rely on synth lines without noticeable drums.

Distribución Lineal, Anomalía Reversible, Tecnología Futura, Disociación Sonora and Parámetros Orbitales are attemporal sci fi techno pieces of the highest level.

Sometimes to be patient is the key to make attemporal music and Hugo Rolán is the perfect example.//

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