Download LOSSLESS Electronic MusicMinimal / Deep Tech

Frivolous – The Tiny House of Delusion / BAR25176

Download Frivolous - The Tiny House of Delusion on Electrobuzz

RELEASE: The Tiny House of Delusion
ARTIST(S): Frivolous


LABEL: Bar 25 Music / BAR25176
GENRE: Lossless, Minimal / Deep Tech
RELEASED: 2022-09-02


  1. Frivolous – The Persona War (06:41) , 126
  2. Frivolous – Our Loving Sorrow (06:21) , 126
  3. Frivolous – Askin (06:45) , 125
  4. Frivolous – Southern Exposure (04:00) , 124
  5. Frivolous – Tonight (06:03) , 126
  6. Frivolous – Monster You, Monster Me (05:17) , 67
  7. Frivolous – Daughters (06:36) , 122
  8. Frivolous – Synchronize (05:10) , 124

Total Playtime: 00:46:53 min

Music producer and live performer Frivolous debuts on Bar 25 Music with ¨The Tiny House of Delusion¨. After first 3 albums being released on Karloff Rekordings, ~scape, ~scape and Cadenza, it is Daniel Gardner’s 4th full length recording and first one on more then 10 years.

Recently Frivolous have returned to living in Berlin. For the last 2 years during the pandemic he has been studying a master’s degree in Music at Funkhaus. ‘This study has been focussed on examining how music has been forced into a darwinian like structural evolution’ – artist says, ‘as a result of the recent ‘loudness war’. The impact of this has been significant, as this has changed the spatial approach to conveying the reality of acoustic situation in music. I could speak about this forever’.

‘I have returned to making new music after almost 10 years of creative drought, which was related also to the loudness war and personal circumstances. In this 10 years I have been living on a small island in Canada, deep in the ‘pampa’. Creativity relies on external input, and this place was lacking in free creative inspiration due to the systemic structures of an imposing colonial mentality. Also something I could speak about for a long-time but I prefer to focus on the positive, as I embark on my second chapter in Berlin – a city which feeds me with creative input’.

‘This album is an arrangement of musical snapshots which captures many states of consciousness over the years. Like a diary that is not bound together, but strewn over machines, laptops and hard-drives. ‘I am constantly finding tracks which I made but didn’t feel confident enough to demo’, Daniel adds.

‘Some are very personal and emotional, whereby commercial viability is totally unrealistic. However, in the case of ‘The Tiny House of Delusion’ when these snapshots of crazy inspirations are put in the right order, something just clicks and they become more than the sum of their parts. Like a critical mass of absurd ideas which forms into a super-structure reinforcing one-another by their individual ability to be bizarre. After years of self examination and reflection, I feel I am liberated from this cycle of doubt by the simple momentum of my own earlier insanity. I hope it also makes you happy’.

An outstanding artwork for the album cover was created by Earthninja – a digital artist and founder of NFT project ‘Fleek Foxes’.//

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