Ackermann delivers a new Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic), “We down for this”, now available on Safe Space. Released on 2025-03-14. Download now.
Album Insights
Artists: Ackermann
Genre: Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic)
Release Date: 2025-03-14
Label: Safe Space
Catalog: SAFESP027
Watch the Official Music Video on YouTube …
Behind the Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic) Release
One of the labels best producer friends called this EP street fighting techno and i guess hes not wrong and it seems like a good fit to launch the 2025 release schedule with some well needed soundtrack for political street fights this year, that seem to get more widespread globally as authoritarian fascist regimes tighten their grip over a growing number of countries. The title track We down for this reminisces the sound and the underground attitude of early UK dubstep that in a way was already foreshadowing the underground communities answer to dystopian inner cities on dancefloors and beyond regarding various aspects like sound design, physical bass experience and tight knit circles of like minded individuals and puts this vibe on a techno floor with a reduced beat and manic sounds. Turn my voice up takes it back to the streets with a powerful foundation of percussion topped with a repetitive vocal cut demanding to be heard while layers of automation pile up and disappear again. Portuguese Fresko who recently dropped fire releases via Hayes, Planet Rhythm and BCCO emphasizes the UK vibe even more in his amazing rework of We down for this somehow managing to make it an absolute floorpleaser without losing the manic industrial cityscape at nighttime vibe of the original. We down for this!
Download Ackermann ‘We down for this’ in MP3, FLAC, and AIFF Formats
Tracklist & Tempos
Ackermann – We down for this Original Mix, Download MP3
Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic) | 106 BPM – A Minor | 05:59
Ackermann – Turn my voice up Original Mix, Download MP3
Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic) | 141 BPM – Db Minor | 05:27
Ackermann – We down for this Fresko Remix, Download MP3
Techno (Raw / Deep / Hypnotic) | 140 BPM – G Major | 05:36