Andrew Edward Brown, Qess delivers a new Deep House, “I Keep Coming Back”, now available on Ovum Recordings. Released on 2025-03-21. Download now.
Album Insights
Artists: Andrew Edward Brown, Qess
Genre: Deep House
Release Date: 2025-03-21
Label: Ovum Recordings
Catalog: OVM333
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Behind the Deep House Release
Qess operates in the worlds where house, techno and electronica all collide. He is a favorite on labels like Poker Flat, Mobilee and Anjunadeep and has a sound that is perfect for the dance floor but also comes with plenty of emotional nuance that elevates it above functional tool status. Qess met Ovum boss Josh Wink while playing a gig for Freerange label head Jimpster in London. He already knew of his music, and when Qess sent over what would become this release, Josh played it out and it got a huge reaction. He has also done his own fully fl edged remix, which will follow this standout single and dub. The passionate I Keep Coming Back features Philadelphias producer and vocalist Andrew Edward Brown. It is a full-fl avoured house cut with a deep, resonant bassline and sultry vocals that hark back to classics from the likes of Robert Owens. Add in soft-focus synth surges and trippy melodic sequences that keep things moving and you have a stellar tune that transcends the ages. The edgy dub version is laced up with FX, which brings an after-party vibe, while the vocals are smudged through the mix to make for a totally diff erent effect.
Download Andrew Edward Brown, Qess ‘I Keep Coming Back’ in MP3, FLAC, and AIFF Formats
Tracklist & Tempos
Andrew Edward Brown, Qess – I Keep Coming Back (feat. Andrew Edward Brown) Original, Download MP3
Deep House | 128 BPM – E Major | 07:05
Andrew Edward Brown, Qess – I Keep Coming Back (feat. Andrew Edward Brown) Dub, Download MP3
Deep House | 124 BPM – Ab Minor | 05:45