Malia Nima delivers a new Techno (Peak Time / Driving), “In Your Favorite Pose”, now available on Kuukou Records. Released on 2025-03-21. Download now.
Album Insights
Artists: Malia Nima
Genre: Techno (Peak Time / Driving)
Release Date: 2025-03-21
Label: Kuukou Records
Catalog: KKU121
Watch the Official Music Video on YouTube …
Behind the Techno (Peak Time / Driving) Release
Next up, Kuukou warmly welcome back long term label friend Malia Nima with a slice of humid club hypnosis. Malia arrived on the scene with a refined and distinctive sound – one characterised by potent, reduced drums and ominous, spatial sonics that has so far touched labels such as Phisica, Ritual, Earthly Delights and of course – Kuukou. With In Your Favourite Pose she harnesses a sense of impending – once again extracting maximum impact from minimal sound sources, creating a hot and heavy mood that slowly but surely pulls you in. The groove is tightly anchored by a striding bass line and neat, snippy percussion. A seductive vocal gently streams into the mix, looping to mesmerising effect while sweeps and FX build momentum, dialling in a pre-eruptive vibe that renders it ultimately playable.
Download Malia Nima ‘In Your Favorite Pose’ in MP3, FLAC, and AIFF Formats
Tracklist & Tempos
Malia Nima – In Your Favorite Pose Original Mix, Download MP3
Techno (Peak Time / Driving) | 126 BPM – G Major | 06:55