House music is the foundation of modern electronic dance music (EDM), defined by its steady 4/4 beats, groovy basslines, and soulful vibes. Classic sub-genres include Chicago House, Acid House, Vocal House, New York House, and Swing House, each shaping the evolution of house music worldwide.
Phon.o – Fractions / Bpitch Control / BPC326
ARTIST: Phon.o ALBUM: Fractions LABEL: Bpitch Control | BPC326 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 41.19 MB TOTAL TRACKS 3 Phon.o – Brooklyn Shuffle (Original Mix) (05:03) 128bpm/Dmin…
Mickey Pearce – Michael / Swamp 81 / SWAMPLP003
ARTIST: Mickey Pearce ALBUM: Michael LABEL: Swamp 81 | SWAMPLP003 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 74.70 MB TOTAL TRACKS 11 Mickey Pearce – August (Original Mix) (03:36)…
Versalife – Singularity EP / Shipwrec / SHIP034
ARTIST: Versalife ALBUM: Singularity EP LABEL: Shipwrec | SHIP034 GENRE: Shipwrec BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-05-18 SIZE: 54.99 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Versalife – Autobots (05:53) 125.00bpm/ Versalife – Milnet…
Shinichi Atobe – World / DDS / DDS019
ARTIST: Shinichi Atobe ALBUM: World LABEL: DDS | DDS019 GENRE: House, Techno BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-23 SIZE: 85.49 MB TOTAL TRACKS 6 Shinichi Atobe – Intro (03:55) 128.05bpm/…
Pete Josef – Remixes / Sonar Kollektiv / SK309D
ARTIST: Pete Josef ALBUM: Remixes LABEL: Sonar Kollektiv | SK309D GENRE: Indie Dance / Nu Disco BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 83.55 MB TOTAL TRACKS 6 Pete Josef –…
Randomer, Cadans – Pyramid / Anchor / Neighbourhood / HOOD001
ARTIST: Randomer, Cadans ALBUM: Pyramid / Anchor LABEL: Neighbourhood | HOOD001 GENRE: BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 26.92 MB TOTAL TRACKS 2 Randome, Cadans – Anchor (05:33) 122.01bpm/ Randome,…
Infinitefreefall – Ex-Friends #1 / Collected Recordings / CR25
ARTIST: Infinitefreefall ALBUM: Ex-Friends #1 LABEL: Collected Recordings | CR25 GENRE: Electronic, House, Techno BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-18 SIZE: 163.92 MB TOTAL TRACKS 15 Bears and You – Not…
Dennis Quin – Colours LP / Simma Black / SIMBLKTS003
ARTIST: Dennis Quin ALBUM: Colours LP LABEL: Simma Black | SIMBLKTS003 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-27 SIZE: 126.64 MB TOTAL TRACKS 10 Dantiez Saunderson,Dennis Quin – The Reason…
Ritzi Lee – Audiologics EP / Mord
ARTIST: Ritzi Lee ALBUM: Audiologics EP LABEL: Mord GENRE: BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 45.52 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Ritzi Lee – Framework (04:49) 140.00bpm/ Ritzi Lee – Progress…
VA – Approaching 100 / Morris Audio / MORRIS098
ARTIST: VA ALBUM: Approaching 100 LABEL: Morris Audio | MORRIS098 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-27 SIZE: 61.01 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Italia90 – Streetlady (Original Mix) (07:02) 122bpm/Amin…
Hotel Lauer – Lauer & Lauer / Emotional Especial / EES021
ARTIST: Hotel Lauer ALBUM: Lauer & Lauer LABEL: Emotional Especial | EES021 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 59.76 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Hotel Lauer – Klutzny (Original…
NTEIBINT – Hide In / Eskimo Recordings / 541416507791D
ARTIST: NTEIBINT ALBUM: Hide In LABEL: Eskimo Recordings | 541416507791D GENRE: Indie Dance / Nu Disco BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 61.39 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 NTEIBINT – Hide…
Courtis – Kammerflimmern / Harthouse / HHD1018
ARTIST: Courtis ALBUM: Kammerflimmern LABEL: Harthouse | HHD1018 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 51.86 MB TOTAL TRACKS 3 Courtis – Kammerflimmern (Original Mix) (08:01) 128bpm/Amin Courtis –…
Lizards – Lizards – Frontier / Coming In / Leng Records / LENG028
ARTIST: Lizards ALBUM: Lizards – Frontier / Coming In LABEL: Leng Records | LENG028 GENRE: Indie Dance / Nu Disco BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 34.82 MB TOTAL TRACKS…
VA – 20 Years of Freerange Pt. One / Freerange Records / FRD214
ARTIST: VA ALBUM: 20 Years of Freerange Pt. One LABEL: Freerange Records | FRD214 GENRE: House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-24 SIZE: 62.02 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 KiNK – Roads…