Indie Dance
Indie Dance fuses alternative, synth-driven melodies with retro disco and electronic elements. Popular sub-genres include Synthwave, Italo Disco, Coldwave, Dark Wave, New Wave, and EBM, offering nostalgic yet futuristic soundscapes with moody cinematic aesthetics.
Popof, Captain Mustache – Bastille / EXPDIGITAL237
RELEASE: Bastille ARTIST(S): Popof, Captain Mustache REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Exploited / EXPDIGITAL237 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-21 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 904Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (32.71 MB) Bastille have 1…
Sasha ZA – Zion E.p / NEIN2228
RELEASE: Zion E.p ARTIST(S): Sasha ZA REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Nein Records / NEIN2228 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-07-22 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 851Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (134.84 MB) Zion E.p…
Beatport ADE SPECIAL 2022 INDIE DANCE October 2022
Download electronic music DJ Charts: Beatport ADE SPECIAL 2022 INDIE DANCE October 2022 More Beatport DJ Charts by tag Download Beatport DJ Charts Download DJ Charts: Beatport ADE SPECIAL 2022…
Dani El – Dust & Water / Efir / BSM071
RELEASE: Dust & Water / Efir ARTIST(S): Dani El REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Bassmatic records / BSM071 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 1411Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (137.55…
VA – German Brigante – Remixes / MAN050X
RELEASE: German Brigante – Remixes ARTIST(S): Heliena, Noissier, OCLUM REMIXERS: German Brigante PUBLISHER: Manitox / MAN050X MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 1411Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE:…
Yotto – Fall 2022 Chart
Download electronic music DJ Charts: Yotto – Fall 2022 Chart More Beatport DJ Charts by tag Download Beatport DJ Charts Download DJ Charts: Yotto – Fall 2022 Chart CHART: Yotto…
Enzo Elia – Trieb / MULTINOTES46
RELEASE: Trieb ARTIST(S): Enzo Elia, Rokkerillo REMIXERS: Stereocalypse PUBLISHER: Multinotes / MULTINOTES46 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 1411Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (183.60 MB) Trieb have…
Max Essa – The Great Adventure / HYR7260
RELEASE: The Great Adventure ARTIST(S): Max Essa REMIXERS: Balearic Gabba Sound System, My Friend Dario PUBLISHER: Hell Yeah Recordings / HYR7260 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD…
Mulya – Rivalda / FB042
RELEASE: Rivalda ARTIST(S): Mulya REMIXERS: Glowal, Joyce Muniz PUBLISHER: Frau Blau / FB042 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 947Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (185.72 MB) Rivalda…
Naethan – Tentacles EP / SYNCBT70
RELEASE: Tentacles EP ARTIST(S): Naethan REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Sincopat / SYNCBT70 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 1041Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (102.26 MB) Tentacles EP have 2…
Deenara – Oblique / JEAHMON069
RELEASE: Oblique ARTIST(S): Deenara REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: JEAHMON! Records / JEAHMON069 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 830Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (77.88 MB) Oblique have 2 TOTAL…
Different Age – Viper EP / RTL045
RELEASE: Viper EP ARTIST(S): Different Age REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Ritual / RTL045 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 1005Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (144.79 MB) Viper EP have…
Eagles & Butterflies – Retropolis Vol. 01 / RB112D
RELEASE: Retropolis Vol. 01 ARTIST(S): Eagles & Butterflies REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Running Back / RB112D MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 995Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (199.19 MB)…
Felice – Abolish? / PERMVAC2582
RELEASE: Abolish? ARTIST(S): Felice REMIXERS: PUBLISHER: Permanent Vacation / PERMVAC2582 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 942Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (77.78 MB) Abolish? have 2 TOTAL…
Moscoman, Zoot Woman – Adventura / CRM280
RELEASE: Adventura ARTIST(S): Zoot Woman, Moscoman REMIXERS: Alan Dixon PUBLISHER: Crosstown Rebels / CRM280 MUSICAL GENRE: Lossless, Indie Dance RELEASE DATE: 2022-10-14 DOWNLOAD FORMAT: 876Kbps, LOSSLESS FILE SIZE: (104.33 MB)…