Indie Dance
Indie Dance fuses alternative, synth-driven melodies with retro disco and electronic elements. Popular sub-genres include Synthwave, Italo Disco, Coldwave, Dark Wave, New Wave, and EBM, offering nostalgic yet futuristic soundscapes with moody cinematic aesthetics.
Corren Cavini – Solutions on DAYS like NIGHTS
Release: Solutions by Corren Cavini A stunning Indie Dance release by: Corren Cavini MIX ARTIST: LABEL: DAYS like NIGHTS CATALOG: DLN066 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE: 320Kbps MP3…
Stas Drive – Running Jump EP on Ritual
Release: Running Jump EP by Stas Drive A stunning Indie Dance release by: Stas Drive, Mr Morek MIX ARTIST: LABEL: Ritual CATALOG: RTL092DJ GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE:…
Johan Mila – Nobody on Nein Records
Release: Nobody by Johan Mila A stunning Indie Dance release by: Johan Mila, Santamaria, Feat=Rondeau MIX ARTIST: LABEL: Nein Records CATALOG: NEIN2434 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-13 AUDIO BITRATE: 1053Kbps…
Extravaganza & Matteo Rivetto – The Beginning on Stil Vor Talent
Release: The Beginning by Extravaganza & Matteo Rivetto A stunning Indie Dance release by: Extravaganza & Matteo Rivetto MIX ARTIST: Hidden Empire LABEL: Stil Vor Talent CATALOG: SVT367 GENRE/STYLE: Indie…
DC Salas – Homesick on R.A.N.D. Muzik x Echocentric
Release: Homesick by DC Salas A stunning Indie Dance release by: DC Salas MIX ARTIST: LABEL: R.A.N.D. Muzik x Echocentric CATALOG: RMECR004S2 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE: 894Kbps…
CHLOE (Thévenin) – Intronics on Lumière Noire Records
Release: Intronics by CHLOE (Thévenin) A stunning Indie Dance release by: CHLOE (Thévenin) MIX ARTIST: LABEL: Lumière Noire Records CATALOG: LN055D GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-10-25 AUDIO BITRATE: 1004Kbps MP3…
Twoheads – Keep It Real on Manitox
Release: Keep It Real by Twoheads A stunning Indie Dance release by: Twoheads MIX ARTIST: LABEL: Manitox CATALOG: MAN059 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE: 904Kbps MP3 DOWNLOAD SIZE:…
Tegel Boys – That’s Enough (PBR Streetgang Remix) on T.B.M. L.T.D.
Release: That’s Enough (PBR Streetgang Remix) by Tegel Boys A stunning Indie Dance release by: Tegel Boys, PBR Streetgang MIX ARTIST: PBR Streetgang LABEL: T.B.M. L.T.D. CATALOG: TBM006 GENRE/STYLE: Indie…
Surmillo – Colors of Joy on Buttress
Release: Colors of Joy by Surmillo A stunning Deep House release by: Mario Bianco, Surmillo, A-la, Phunkadelica MIX ARTIST: Mario Bianco, Phunkadelica LABEL: Buttress CATALOG: BUTS57 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED:…
Gassan – Alaaddin on SAPIENT ROBOTS
Release: Alaaddin by Gassan A stunning Indie Dance release by: Gassan, Wavejackers MIX ARTIST: LABEL: SAPIENT ROBOTS CATALOG: SRBT149 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE: 891Kbps MP3 DOWNLOAD SIZE:…
Cristina Tosio – Makes Me Feel Alive on Sincopat
Release: Makes Me Feel Alive by Cristina Tosio A stunning Indie Dance release by: Cristina Tosio MIX ARTIST: LABEL: Sincopat CATALOG: SYNCBT83 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-27 AUDIO BITRATE: 1411Kbps…
EMJIE – The Bounce EP on Renaissance Records
Release: The Bounce EP by EMJIE A stunning Indie Dance release by: EMJIE, Rafael Cerato MIX ARTIST: Rafael Cerato LABEL: Renaissance Records CATALOG: REN24118 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2024-09-20 AUDIO…
Michael Mayer Ardor Chart
CHART: Michael Mayer Ardor Chart ARTIST(S): Danny Daze & Jonny From Space, ddwy, DMX Krew, Gusgus, Joe Davies, Lucie Antunes, Musumeci, Phunkadelica, Tommyboy (IT), Rex The Dog, Shakarchi & Stranéus…
Christian Nielsen HaloMirage chart
CHART: Christian Nielsen HaloMirage chart ARTIST(S): Baime, JEPE, Catz ‘N Dogz, Megane Mercury, Christian Nielsen, Fideles, Ivan Masa, Khainz, KhoMha, REBRN, Waltervelt Download the latest electronic music DJ Charts: Christian…
Syncom Data – That’s The Way on SD Records
Release: That’s The Way by Syncom Data A stunning Indie Dance release by: Syncom Data MIX ARTIST: Nukubus, Syncom Data LABEL: SD Records CATALOG: SDD21 GENRE/STYLE: Indie Dance RELEASED: 2022-10-07…