Download rip Vinyl releases
Download rip vinyl releases refer to music albums digitally extracted or copied from vinyl records and made available for download online. These releases are often converted into digital formats, including mp3 and premium flac, allowing music enthusiasts to access high-quality audio versions of classic vinyl records or rare releases. This process enables collectors and audiophiles to enjoy the rich, analog sound of vinyl recordings in a convenient digital format. Suppose you want to enhance your music collection. In that case, you can download these web rip vinyl releases as MP3 or premium FLAC files to enjoy the warmth of vinyl sound with the convenience of digital downloads.
The Angel Race – Ghetto Sketches / MATH087
ARTIST: The Angel Race ALBUM: Ghetto Sketches LABEL: Mathematics Recordings | MATH087 GENRE: Electronic, Techno, House, Deep House, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-10 SIZE: 55.29 MB TOTAL TRACKS 3…
Mad Rey – 18 / RLM001
ARTIST: Mad Rey ALBUM: 18 LABEL: Red Lebanese | RLM001 GENRE: House, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-20 SIZE: 60.08 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Mad Rey – Ghetto Youth (Pigalle…
Skudge – Waveless / Motion / SKUDGE009
ARTIST: Skudge ALBUM: Waveless / Motion LABEL: Skudge Records | SKUDGE009 GENRE: Vinyl, Techno, House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 28.69 MB TOTAL TRACKS 2 Skudge – Motion (06:00)…
Jon Fay – Untitled / MÖRK010
ARTIST: Jon Fay ALBUM: Untitled LABEL: Mörk | MÖRK010 GENRE: Vinyl, Ambient, Deep House, Techno BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 79.02 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Jon Fay – 1271…
Minor Science – Whities 008 / WHYT008
ARTIST: Minor Science ALBUM: Whities 008 LABEL: Whities Records | WHYT008 GENRE: Vinyl, Techno BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 27.47 MB TOTAL TRACKS 2 Minor Science – Naturally Spineless…
Mosca – Submit / AMREC004
ARTIST: Mosca ALBUM: Submit LABEL: Ambidextrous | AMREC004 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 58.66 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Mosca – Filth (05:53) 130.00bpm/ Mosca – Gakken…
Mall Grab – Steel City Dance Discs Volume 1 / SCDD001
ARTIST: Mall Grab ALBUM: Steel City Dance Discs Volume 1 LABEL: Steel City Dance Discs | SCDD001 GENRE: House, Deep House, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 24.84…
Bored Young Adults – Shy Dancers On Bungalowdorf Beach / TTT046
ARTIST: Bored Young Adults ALBUM: Shy Dancers On Bungalowdorf Beach LABEL: The Trilogy Tapes | TTT046 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl, Industrial BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 41.77 MB TOTAL TRACKS…
J. Tijn – Shmudge / IAI001
ARTIST: J. Tijn ALBUM: Shmudge LABEL: In An Instant | IAI001 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 36.80 MB TOTAL TRACKS 3 J. Tijn – ER (05:32)…
Głós – Prayers / ESCAPISM001
ARTIST: Głós ALBUM: Prayers LABEL: Escapism | ESCAPISM001 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 57.23 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Głós – Collapse (Border One Remix) (06:03) 0bpm/…
Fareed – Phausis EP / CRF011
ARTIST: Fareed ALBUM: Phausis EP LABEL: Construct Re-Form | CRF011 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 58.50 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Fareed – Hive (06:03) 129.01bpm/…
Lars from Mars – Persect / CLANG043
ARTIST: Lars from Mars ALBUM: Persect LABEL: Clang | CLANG043 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 75.35 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Lars from Mars – Conflated (06:59)…
NX1 – NX1 Black 02 / NX1 Black02
ARTIST: NX1 ALBUM: NX1 Black 02 LABEL: NX1 | NX1 Black02 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 34.41 MB TOTAL TRACKS 2 NX1 – NX1 Black 02…
Berg Jaär – Nacr / ARTS019
ARTIST: Berg Jaär ALBUM: Nacr LABEL: Arts | ARTS019 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 67.69 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Berg Jaär – Hyl (08:08) 130.01bpm/ Berg…
Sias – Milk Harbour / JT3X12
ARTIST: Sias ALBUM: Milk Harbour LABEL: Jheri Tracks | JT3X12 GENRE: Techno, Vinyl BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016 SIZE: 41.73 MB TOTAL TRACKS 3 Sias – 4-7-8 (04:58) 90.02bpm/ Sias…