Heist Recordings
Adryiano – Me and You and Her EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Me and You and Her EP ARTIST(S): Adryiano REMIXERS: Jamie 3:26 LABEL: Heist Recordings / GENRE: House RELEASED: 2018-03-05 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 54.57 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Adryiano…
Deep House
VA – The Roundup Pt. 4 / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: The Roundup Pt. 4 ARTIST: Alma Negra, Detroit Swindle, Fouk, Nachtbraker, Nebraska, Parker Madicine, REMIXERS: Alma Negra, Detroit Swindle, Fouk, Nachtbraker, Nebraska, Parker Madicine, LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep…
Deep House
Nebraska – Metaphor to the Floor EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Metaphor to the Floor EP ARTIST: Nebraska REMIXERS: Laurence Guy LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2017-11-13 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 62.61 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Nebraska –…
Deep House
Nachtbraker – Misses Madame Mademoiselle EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Misses Madame Mademoiselle EP ARTIST: Nachtbraker REMIXERS: Session Victim LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2017-09-11 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 57.73 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Nachtbraker – Hamdi…
Deep House
Detroit Swindle – Cant Hold It EP (+Willie Burns Remix) / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Cant Hold It EP ARTIST: Detroit Swindle, REMIXERS: Willie Burns LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2017-07-31 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 60.54 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Detroit Swindle…
Deep House
Fouk – With Lasers EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: With Lasers EP ARTIST: Fouk REMIXERS: LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2017-06-26 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 60.12 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Fouk – F3000 (05:47) / 85bpm/…
Deep House
Alma Negra – Endless Summer EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Endless Summer EP ARTIST: Alma Negra REMIXERS: Soulphiction LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2017-05-08 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 65.90 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Alma Negra – Afrorleans…
Parker Madicine – Voices & Drums EP / Heist Recordings
Voices & Drums EP ARTIST: Parker Madicine, REMIXERS: , Byron the Aquarius, LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: House RELEASED: 2017-04-03 BITRATE: 320Kbps DOWNLOAD SIZE: 62.86 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 Parker Madicine…
Deep House
VA – The Roundup Pt. 3 / Heist Recordings
The Roundup Pt. 3 ARTIST: Adesse Versions, Detroit Swindle, Frits Wentink, Nachtbraker, Nebraska, Obas Nenor, OUER REMIXERS: Adesse Versions, Detroit Swindle, Frits Wentink, Nachtbraker, Nebraska, Obas Nenor, OUER LABEL: Heist…
Deep House
Adesse Versions – Push It Along EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: Push It Along EP ARTIST: Adesse Versions, REMIXERS: , Ge-ology, LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-11-07 BITRATE: 320Kbps SIZE: 68.01 MB TOTAL TRACKS 5 Adesse Versions…
Deep House
Detroit Swindle – The Circular City EP / Heist Recordings
RELEASE: The Circular City EP ARTIST: Detroit Swindle REMIXERS: Matthew Herbert LABEL: Heist Recordings GENRE: Deep House ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-10-03 BITRATE: 320Kbps SIZE: 82.79 MB TOTAL TRACKS 5 Detroit Swindle…
Deep House
Nachtbraker – Pollo con Pollo EP / HEIST019
ARTIST: Nachtbraker ALBUM: Pollo con Pollo EP LABEL: Heist Recordings | HEIST019 GENRE: Deep House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-07-25 SIZE: 68.73 MB TOTAL TRACKS 5 Nachtbraker – Gotta Act…
Deep House
Obas Nenor – The Ceaper Buing EP / Heist Recordings / HEIST018
ARTIST: Obas Nenor ALBUM: The Ceaper Buing EP LABEL: Heist Recordings | HEIST018 GENRE: Deep House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-06-13 SIZE: 68.30 MB TOTAL TRACKS 5 Obas Nenor –…
Deep House
Nebraska – Soften The Wireless EP / Heist Recordings / HEIST017
ARTIST: Nebraska ALBUM: Soften The Wireless EP LABEL: Heist Recordings | HEIST017 GENRE: Deep House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-05-09 SIZE: 73.59 MB TOTAL TRACKS 5 Nebraska – It won’t…
Deep House
OUER – The first detour EP / Heist Recordings / HEIST016
ARTIST: OUER ALBUM: The first detour EP LABEL: Heist Recordings | HEIST016 GENRE: Deep House BITRATE: 320Kbps ORIGINAL RELEASED 2016-04-04 SIZE: 53.96 MB TOTAL TRACKS 4 OUER – Mess Around…