Soul Button
Deep House2016-09-07
Dizharmonia – Emmanuel EP [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Steyoyoke’s ‘Emmanuel’ EP has been lived and loved by several members of the family. The original, by Dizharmonia featuring vocals by Kled Moné, has been remixed by Soul Button as…
Deep House2016-07-16
V.A. – Family Affair Vol. 5 EP [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Steyoyoke Family Affair Vol. 5 brings you the culmination of five years of blood, sweat and tears. Family members Soul Button, Dahu, BLANCAh, MPathy, Nick Devon and new entries Clawz…
Deep House2016-04-11
Animal Picnic presents Authentic Steyoyoke #007 [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
“When we first listened a Steyoyoke track some time ago, we instantly felt in love with its unique sound. Time passed by and this sound has developed into a new…
Organic House / Downtempo2016-03-21
V.A. – Coalescence LP [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Now in its fourth year and with one album already under their belt, the Steyoyoke Recordings family are finally ready to follow things up with their second album ‘Coalescence’. Conveying…
Deep House2015-12-14
Soul Button – Wraith feat. Terry Grant EP [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Steyoyoke’s latest EP features smooth vocals by Canadian artist Terry Grant that compromises two originals by Soul Button, one piece by Soul Button and Aaryon, and a remix by Animal…
Soul Button – Electrobuzz Chart
Soul Button Electrobuzz Chart VA GENRE: Deep House RELEASED: 2015 MP3 DOWNLOAD SOURCE: WEB BITRATE: 320kbps / 44100kHz / Full Stereo TRACKS: 10 SIZE: 182.70 megs 10 TRACKS TOTAL 1.…
Deep House2015-03-18
V.A. – Steyoyoke Anniversary Vol.03 EP – [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Three years of perseverance has defined Steyoyoke Recordings as a successful upcoming label and with their 3rd Anniversary just around the corner, they have much to celebrate. The annual Steyoyoke…
Deep House2015-03-02
V.A. – Family Affair Vol.04 EP – Part 1 [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
2014 saw Steyoyoke Recordings put the finishing touches to their artist roster and the label is now experiencing an ongoing creative continuum, bringing Steyoyoke to its current state of musical…
Deep House2015-03-02
V.A. – Family Affair Vol.04 EP – Part 2 [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
2014 saw Steyoyoke Recordings put the finishing touches to their artist roster and the label is now experiencing an ongoing creative continuum, bringing Steyoyoke to its current state of musical…
V.A. – Equilibrium LP [Steyoyoke Album] (PROMO)
Monumental times have arrived for Steyoyoke Recordings, as they venture into unchartered waters. This new project accumulates for years of hard work and marks the release of their very first…
V.A. – Steyoyoke Gems Vol.03 EP [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
2014 has seen Steyoyoke tap into a stream of musical abundance. The label gains momentum with each year that passes, highlighting its ability to orchestrate a continual flow of talented…
Deep House2014-11-08
V.A. – Couple Affair 01 [Steyoyoke] (PROMO) [VINYL ONLY]
Well known for their unique concepts and ideas, Steyoyoke continues to surge forward and launches yet another annual vinyl project. ‘Couple Affair‘ is both innovative and exciting, as it channels all the…
Soul Button presents Authentic Steyoyoke #003 (PROMO)
“It wasn’t easy to limit myself to just 10 tracks, whilst selecting from all the Steyoyoke releases so far. I did however thoroughly enjoy making this compilation set for my…
Deep House2014-09-15
Ran Salman – Fractured Memories [Steyoyoke] (PROMO)
Steyoyoke brings together an all-star cast for Ran Salman’s latest release ‘Fractured Memories’. Comprising of one original and two remixes, one each from Soul Button and Patrick Podage, this will…
Deep House2014-09-02
Soul Button & Talul – Chasing Thoughts EP [STEYOYOKE] (PROMO)
When music magicians come together the inevitable result is magic and that’s exactly what ‘Chasing Thoughts’ brings you. Steyoyoke’s latest three track EP comprises of one original and two…